Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Its always fun to freak your kids out by doing something they can't believe you can do. Just a little side note, I am on some medicine because I am feeling bad (cold or allergies, not sure), so that will be my excuse.

Emily was watching a video and Taylor was doing his homework on the couch. I told Emily I wanted her to show me how to do the dance she was watching. She looked at me in disbelief and then found the music, pushed the coffee table out of the way and showed me the dance. It took me a couple of times, but I got it!! Taylor was watching with his mouth open and said"MOMMMMM". I said what do you think. He said, I can't believe you can dance. He went in to get Cale and I heard him telling Cale that Mom is in there dancing and she can actually do it. Come look.. Cale was too busy talking to his girlfriend on the phone to come and be awed....

My kids have never seen me dance, but I explained to them that a hundred years ago when I was young and not fat, I was a really good dancer. GET OUT! I mean not good like to be on stage or perform, but good enough that I could do any of the dances that were being done on American Bandstand. For those of you too young for that, I am sorry that you missed out. I could usually get the beat and figure it out. I can remember at slumber parties showing my friends how to do a dance I had seen on tv or at the movies. Way uptown for small town.

My husband does not dance and so I have never done it since we met 27 years ago. Pretty rusty, and my old knees killed me afterward, but I did it. Can't decide which was more fun, doing the dance or seeing their reaction... Seeing their faces wins.....If they only knew me when I wasn't Mom.....................

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh My........

You would think that if you are having trouble with your homework that you would ask your Mom or Dad right? Well, in my case, I am asking my son. My youngest son, Taylor, is a freshman in high school and my go-to guy for help with the algebra. Its a very weird feeling to have your son, check your paper for mistakes. He is always saying, Mom this is so easy, we did that last year. Oh my....

And then we are watching a part of the Grammy awards tonight and Paul McCartney is introduced and my daughter, Emily, says, who is he and why is he on there? Oh yea, is he Jesse McCartney's dad or grandpa? Oh my gosh, Emily, he is one of the Beatles. Really? How can he still be alive that was so long ago. Oh my.....

Reminds me of the time when Taylor was younger and he asked me if when I was little if the whole world was in black and white? Yes, color was only invented in the 70's, Taylor, before that life was so boring. Oh my....

Who knew I came along before color came along....................

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dear Lord

Part of a prayer we said Sunday in church. It spoke to me at the time and I wanted to share.

Dear Lord,

Please forgive me for finding the time to do the things that I like to do, but finding little time for You, and for my neighbors.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What is the Bill of Rights?

I was driving onto the base the other night and when I handed the guard my id, instead of the usual small talk, how are you today?, he asks me, "What is the Bill of Rights?" I responded with an extremely jeopardy-esque answer, "what is the Bill of Rights?" "Why are you asking me that?" Thankfully, with a long line of cars waiting, he allowed the less than all knowing woman driving the mini van (me) onto the base so I could go home. I could not think of the correct answer when put on the spot.

Then yesterday afternoon, Steve and I were out walking around the golf course here on base and at 4:30 as it does everyday on base, the national anthem played. While standing there with our hands over our hearts, I was ashamed about the fact that I have forgotten so much of the things that I learned in American History.

I hope I will do better the next time I am asked the question. I do love being an American, maybe I should be a better informed one.....