Sunday, February 1, 2009

What is the Bill of Rights?

I was driving onto the base the other night and when I handed the guard my id, instead of the usual small talk, how are you today?, he asks me, "What is the Bill of Rights?" I responded with an extremely jeopardy-esque answer, "what is the Bill of Rights?" "Why are you asking me that?" Thankfully, with a long line of cars waiting, he allowed the less than all knowing woman driving the mini van (me) onto the base so I could go home. I could not think of the correct answer when put on the spot.

Then yesterday afternoon, Steve and I were out walking around the golf course here on base and at 4:30 as it does everyday on base, the national anthem played. While standing there with our hands over our hearts, I was ashamed about the fact that I have forgotten so much of the things that I learned in American History.

I hope I will do better the next time I am asked the question. I do love being an American, maybe I should be a better informed one.....


Jennifer said...

How strange that the guard would ask you that. They must have been having a discussion and you were the guinea pig to make someone's point? Who knows.

So, did you look it up? You know what it is, you just got caught off guard. (Heh, off GUARD. I crack myself up!)

The real test would have been to list all ten!

April said...

I don't remember those things either. I usually have to ask my 13 year old History/Science whiz those types of question. It was weird that he asked that question. I guess I better start studying before I make a trip on base!